Fair Trade Organisation: Cambodia Craftworks


Cambodia Craftworks carry stock of a wonderful range of sculptures and handicrafts created by poor and disabled artisans in Cambodia. As well as selling products in shops they fund raise at craft fairs and pilgrim centers in UK. All proceeds go back to Cambodia to support the artisans and the Khmer Student Hostel which aims to educate and help build a sustainable future for students and their families in impoverished rural villages..



Because of the tragedy of its recent past Cambodia stands out amongst all struggling third world countries, as one that needs help with education. Because of lack of teachers primary schools can only allow half day classes for the children. Before or after their schooling the children must spend many hours working in the fields or looking after siblings. Teachers are poorly trained and paid very low salaries. Between 13 and 15, only 26 percent attend school, so 74 percent of children of this age have no access to schooling. This is a very serious problem for Cambodian society; if education cannot develop, a country cannot develop.


Rural areas of Cambodia still face severe poverty, lack of health care, and low levels of education, economic opportunity, and resources. For them to become self- sufficient they need improvements to their infrastructure, wells for fresh water , solar power to help with irrigation of crops will provide the impetus for better agricultural methods and set them on the road to sustainability. However with climate change impacting  greatly on water cycles, late monsoon rains reduce vital food production and places  Cambodia among the most vulnerable countries in the world.

Self Determination

Through education, and given the opportunity sustainable development for the future can be achieved .  Our ability for  Self determination is integral to our basic human rights.

Working with Schools

We have links with a growing number of schools in the north west of England who help us with fundraising, and have recently introduced the Times Table Challenge which links educational needs across 6000 miles !

The Khmer Student Hostel Project (KSHP) will not only provide accommodation during the week for these high school students but also through working in the home garden of the hostel they will learn new methods of propagation, cultivation and irrigation. When they return to their home they will pass these new skills on to their families enabling them to improve the food production and overall self-sufficiency of the village.