British Association of Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers (BAFTS)
Voyage Fair Trade can now say, officially, that we are a fair trade company in 2019! BAFTS have given us the white piece of paper as we have showed them that all our stock is at least 70% Fair Trade (Voyage fair trade is more like 95%!) and the company abides by the 10 principles of fair trade
BAFTS was formed in 1995 in Durham and have been retailing fairtrade goods ever since, they have also decided to set up a growing community for all the shops and suppliers to help each other and help Fair trade grow! The WFTO (World Fair Trade Organisation) have accepted them as a national fair trade network. So they are able decide what is fair trade and what is not. To read more about BAFTS and their objectives visit their website.
Bafts certification in the Voyage Fair trade shop window